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Peak Power Sports Camp First Aid Policy for Children

1. Introduction

Peak Power Sports Camp recognises the importance of providing prompt and appropriate first aid care to children participating in our sports camps in Whaley Bridge, High Peak, Derbyshire. This first aid policy outlines our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children and staff involved in our activities. We adhere to all relevant health and safety regulations and guidelines to deliver effective first aid care.

2. First Aid Responsibilities

- Peak Power Sports Camp designates trained first aiders who are responsible for providing first aid care during camp activities.

- First aiders are appropriately trained and certified in paediatric first aid to ensure they are equipped to handle medical emergencies involving children.

3. First Aid Training

- All staff and volunteers receive training in basic first aid procedures, including CPR, dealing with cuts and bruises, managing minor injuries, and recognising signs of more serious medical conditions.

- First aid training is conducted by qualified instructors and is regularly updated to ensure that staff and volunteers maintain their knowledge and skills.

4. First Aid Equipment and Facilities

- Peak Power Sports Camp ensures that adequate first aid equipment and facilities are available at all camp locations.

- First aid kits are well-stocked and easily accessible, and their contents are regularly checked and replenished as needed.

- Camp locations are equipped with designated first aid areas where children can receive medical attention in a private and comfortable setting if necessary.

- Our camp in Whaley Bridge is also equipped with a Defibrillator and Bleed Kit and our first aiders are adequately trained in the use of these.

5. First Aid Procedures

- In the event of a medical emergency or injury, trained first aiders will assess the situation and provide appropriate care.

- Children requiring medical attention will be accompanied by a staff member or volunteer to the designated first aid area.

- Parents or guardians will be contacted immediately in the event of a serious injury or medical emergency requiring further medical attention or hospitalisation.

6. Administration of Medication

- Peak Power Sports Camp only administers medication to children with written consent from parents or guardians.

- Parents or guardians are required to provide detailed instructions regarding the administration of medication, including dosage, frequency, and any special considerations.

- Medication is stored securely and administered by trained staff or volunteers according to the instructions provided.

- Each child with medication requirements will need to be assessed prior to booking so that we can ensure we are comfortable with administering the required medication in advance, and a full discussion can take place with the First Aid lead and Guardian.

7. Communication and Documentation

- All first aid incidents and treatments administered are documented accurately and promptly.

- Incident reports are completed for all first aid incidents and include details such as the nature of the injury or illness, treatment provided, and any follow-up actions taken.

- Parents or guardians are informed of any first aid incidents involving their child and provided with a copy of the incident report.

8. Review and Monitoring

- This first aid policy is reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in regulations, guidelines, or best practices.

- Peak Power Sports Camp monitors the implementation of this policy to ensure compliance and effectiveness in providing first aid care to children.

9. Conclusion

Peak Power Sports is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children participating in our sports camps by providing effective first aid care when needed. This policy outlines our procedures for managing medical emergencies and injuries and reflects our dedication to maintaining high standards of safety and care for all participants.

Policy Review Date

28th  March 2024

First Aid Lead

Jack Jodrell

Alex Barwell

Designated First Aiders

Jack Jodrell

Alex Barwell

Thomas Gyte

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