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Peak Power Sports Complaints Procedure

1. Introduction

Peak Power Sports Camp is committed to providing a high-quality experience for all participants. We understand that occasionally concerns or complaints may arise, and we take these seriously. This complaints procedure outlines the steps for addressing and resolving complaints in a fair and timely manner.

2. Types of Complaints

Complaints may include, but are not limited to:

- Quality of service provided

- Conduct of staff or volunteers

- Safety concerns

- Billing or payment issues

3. Informal Resolution

- In many cases, complaints can be resolved informally by speaking directly with a member of staff or the camp coordinator.

- Participants or parents/guardians are encouraged to raise concerns promptly to allow for swift resolution.

4. Formal Complaint Procedure

If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the following formal procedure will be followed:

Step 1: Submission of Complaint

- The complainant should submit their complaint in writing to the Camp Coordinator or another designated member of staff.

- The complaint should include details of the issue, relevant dates, and any supporting evidence.

Step 2: Acknowledgment

- Upon receipt of the complaint, Peak Power Sports Camp will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days.

- The acknowledgment will include information on the expected timeline for investigating and resolving the complaint.

Step 3: Investigation

- The Camp Coordinator or designated staff member will conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint.

- This may involve gathering additional information, speaking with relevant parties, and reviewing relevant documentation.

Step 4: Response

- Peak Power Sports Camp will provide a written response to the complainant within 15 working days of receiving the complaint.

- The response will outline the findings of the investigation and any actions taken or proposed to resolve the complaint.

Step 5: Appeal

- If the complainant is not satisfied with the response provided, they may appeal the decision by submitting a written appeal to the Camp Coordinator within 10 working days of receiving the response.

- The appeal will be reviewed by a senior member of staff not involved in the initial investigation.

Step 6: Final Decision

- Peak Power Sports Camp will provide a written response to the appeal within 15 working days.

- The decision of the appeal panel will be final and binding.

5. Confidentiality

- All complaints will be handled confidentially, with information shared only with those directly involved in the investigation and resolution process.

- Personal information will be handled in accordance with relevant data protection legislation.

6. Record Keeping

- Peak Power Sports Camp will maintain records of all complaints received and the actions taken to resolve them.

- These records will be kept confidential and securely stored.

7. Review and Monitoring

- This complaints procedure will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and compliant with relevant regulations.

- Peak Power Sports Camp will monitor the implementation of this procedure to identify any areas for improvement.

Peak Power Sports Camp is committed to addressing and resolving complaints promptly, fairly, and professionally. This complaints procedure outlines the steps for lodging a complaint and the process for investigating and resolving complaints to ensure the satisfaction of all parties involved.

Procedure Review Date

March 2024

Complaints Lead

Jack Jodrell

Further escalations and appeals

Alex Barwell

Request details on appeal

Peak Power Sport – Complaints Procedure

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